Just look at what else I found while shopping at Party City! I think these little guys are darling. As soon as I saw them, hanging next to the clown glasses, I was reminded of a game we used to play called "Musical Statues." This game calls on a child to strike a pose and then everyone else copies it and holds it while singing a song. I think these dolls are perfect for this game. An obvious advantage is for me to be able to choose the pose instead of the children. I see this as an advantage because some of the children can be really silly. It is kind of hard to invite a child to pose and then have to modify it.
Obviously I would have to be a little choosy about the songs. I wouldn't use these with songs that have a reverent message because the kids will likely still get a little silly. I admit they are a bit bright and kind of absurd looking. But I think they would work great for cheerful, upbeat songs like "Give Said the Little Stream: (CS-236) and "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam" (CS-60) or "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission" (CS-169). The kids sometimes express boredom with some of these old favorites and some of these songs have developed actions and ways of singing that I don't care for. If their hands and bodies are in a pose that I choose, the children won't be bouncing up out of their seats when they sing the Sunbeam song or do a goofy dance while singing "Follow the Prophet!' I also would not have to use the whole bunch of them at once. I could just slip one into the pocket of my apron along with a song to sing or put one into my surprise sack.
I can see one more caution. In my experience, kids find it hard to stand on one leg. However tempted I might be to get creative, I have to make every position easily doable or I'll end up with kids on the floor. Believe me - my Primary presidency would not be proud.
But -I did a little informal market research this last Sunday. I asked three of the older boys and the Primary secretary what they thought. The boys thought that the "little kids" would be too irreverent to use them. The secretary agreed, but thought they would work great for an activity day. True, they really would be perfect for that. I didn't dare ask anyone else. If you read this post, would you please leave me a comment and tell me what you think? Is it because they are so bright and goofy looking? I am anxious for some feedback on this.