Monday, February 15, 2010

Another Idea

Another idea from this month's Friend occurred to me as I read the story "Learning to Listen" about Elder Jose Teixeira on page 23. I was struck by the phrase "I had a feeling that I should tell my mom and dad where we were going." His statement describes a common experience with the Holy Ghost which many of us have felt as well. Elder Teixeira reports "The Holy Ghost tried to tell me that I shouldn't go fishing without telling my parents." How many times have we said something similar to ourselves. If only we would learn to listen to these feelings!

I think this quick true story about fishing would be a great introduction to the old reliable "Fishing for Songs" choose and review using songs about the Holy Ghost and obedience. Or, fish for the questions that will help the children listen as you sing and teach or review the upcoming song "The Holy Ghost" (CS-105). You've probably already got a fishing pole, but if not, just make an easy one. Tie a magnet onto one end of a string and tie the other end to a dowel rod. If you want to be more authentic use a willow stick. Then, use metal paper clips on several paper fish with songs written on them.

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