Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Choose and Review - Scrambled Scripture Puzzle

Honestly, I am so thankful to the folks at The Friend magazine for all their wonderful ideas. I was recently browsing through my old issues and ran across this Funstuff puzzle by Rosie Centrone (February 2007 issue, pg. 26). It will work perfectly for a review singing time this next week because it matches the monthly theme so well. The scripture “Let the affections of thy heart be upon the Lord forever” is a beautiful reminder to the children. This thought comes out of Alma’s wonderful counsel to his son Helaman about obedience in Alma 37:35-37. I especially love this scripture passage and can easily testify to the children of the blessings that come from obedience and trust in the Lord. I have many fun song review activities that I could do, but I love it when I can make the activity match the theme.

I will make a heart for each word in the scripture to post on the board and assign one of our review songs to each heart. There may be too many words in this thought to have time to sing a song with each one on a normal week, but since I'm beginning now to review our program songs, I will have some extra time. I could post the cards randomly on the board and then we could unscramble the phrase at the end. Or, I can post the heart cards in the right order to begin with and let the children simply turn the cards over.

To adapt this idea in the future, I would just use a scripture that matches the monthly theme together with an appropriate symbol such as autumn leaves, stars, flowers or Christmas ornaments. If the scripture was long, as this one is, putting a song randomly on some of the symbol cards would work just as well. The children could turn over more than one at a time and we could stop to sing if a song appears. Or, I could also double up the words on some of the cards. I’ll write this idea on my master list as “Scrambled Scripture.”

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