Thursday, April 28, 2011

Choose and Review or Song Review - “Every Other” Word Guessing Game

Choose eight to ten words that are related to the monthly theme. Write the words on large cards. On the reverse of the card, write the word again, omitting every other letter, starting with the first letter. For example, the word “reverent” would be written “   e   e   e   t.”

On a word strip, write a corresponding clue or catchy definition for each word. For example, the strip for “reverent might be written “   e   e   e   t --to show worshipful respect.” Assign an appropriate review song to each large word card and post these on the chalkboard. Put the clues into a basket or can to draw from. Invite a child to draw a clue and match it to a word card. Sing the song.

Obviously, this game is fun only for those children who can read and spell. However, if your group is separated, you could post the complete words for the younger children (some of them may be readers). Read the clues and challenge all the younger ones to listen closely to the song and stand up (or do some other action) when they hear the word in the song that matches the definition that was drawn from the can. The youngest ones probably cannot follow even this adaptation, so I would give them rhythm sticks or shakers to keep the beat as we sing.

This game can also work to help define and discuss some of the important keywords in one song. To use the game as a song review, choose several of the keywords in the song and write definitions for these. Post the incomplete words on the chalkboard. As you sing the song, challenge the children to see if they can identify words in the song that match these incomplete words. You can draw more than one definition at a time and let the children identify the words, then remove these cards from the board. This way, you wouldn’t have to sing the song for each word, but you would still be able to go through the review song several times. Again, for the younger children, post the complete words, draw the definitions and challenge them to listen for and stand up when they hear a word in the song that matches this definition.

I could use this activity with older children to help discuss and define all those difficult keywords in “Praise to the Man.” If I had a separate group, I would probably just use a different game altogether to help the younger ones focus on these difficult words. Because my group is combined, I will post the incomplete word cards as I’ve described and challenge the non-readers to listen for a word that matches that definition. I’ll give the youngest children rhythm instruments to use while we sing the song.


  1. such a wonderful idea!!! I noticed on the picture of the words with all the letters included that there is a butterfly (?) next to some of the letters? It's very pretty, but is there a specific reason for that? :)

  2. LOL, no Emily, no reason for the butterflies this time, except that I had an impulse to make the cards a little prettier. ;o}

    Sometimes I do use little things like stickers to "sort" cards or word strips into verses or so that I can identify something that would be in the chorus, etc. This would just be an aid to my memory, so that when a slip comes out of the can I can be reminded of which verse it might be in.

  3. Thank you for yet another great idea! I like how you had something to include the little ones who can't read. Would you mind giving some more info on rythm instruments? What kind do you use & what are your instructions to the kids? Do the older ones feel left out & want a chance?

    I am struggling to keep those sunbeams involved & attentive during singing time...they kind of zone out. Any suggestions? Maybe even a post? :)

  4. Jessica, I have all kinds of nice rhythm intstruments, but I most often use rhythm sticks and shakers and instruct the kids to follow either the beat of the music or the rhythm of the notes. Simple, but it gives them another way to explore the music and it does keep the little ones occupied. I often pass out the sticks to the older kids, but sometimes I just have the youngest ones accompany our singing and the olders just have to deal with it. ;o)
