Monday, January 5, 2015

Organizing Singing Time

Lo and behold, in my blog reader today, up popped a great post for organizing the 20-minute singing time from one of my favorite singing time bloggers, Mati Mayfield. I wanted to share it with those who are still using this blog. It is a very thoughtful post about how to structure your time each week.

And, since we are one the subject of organizing time, I will link back to my post about organizing singing time throughout the month. At the start of a new year, I hope you find these posts useful.

P.S. While Mati hasn't posted much lately, don't forget to look around in her archives. She has lots of experience and has posted some really good ideas!


  1. Was perusing and you say you live in NM- what part? I am orginally from Las Vegas :)

  2. Hello! I just wanted to say hi, I found you via Pinterest today. I was just asked to be the Primary Chorister in my ward yesterday. I can't wait to use some of your amazing ideas. Thanks so much for sharing them. :D
