#2 - I know I have an attitude problem when I say quietly, only to myself, in the softest of voices, something that sounds like “I’m not any good at this. The kids don’t like what I do. The teachers can’t wait for it to be over. The presidency just wants a job done.” I am way short of sparkle with this attitude.
This problem also stems from forgetting. When I feel this way I have not remembered that I don’t have to be “good at it.” I need to remember that Christ can take my efforts and magnify them to be what they need to be. I recognize that other people may be disappointed, but I can live with that when I remember to have faith in promises such as this one from President James E. Faust. “The Lord can do remarkable miracles with a person of ordinary ability who is humble, faithful, and diligent in serving the Lord and seeks to improve himself. This is because God is the ultimate source of power.”
There are many such promises given by those who recognize that they ask us to do hard things, things that we may not have a natural ability to do well, things that truly stretch us. I try to collect these kinds of quotes and read them often. I need to work on believing them and no one can help me with that.
So, my practical sparkle tip #2 is to quit telling yourself negative things. Simply arrest those kinds of thoughts and hold them captive within the truth of Jesus Christ. Paul told the Corinthian saints to “[Cast] down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and [bring] into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (Corinthians 10:5) Even though we live in this world and are indoctrinated in worldly thinking, because we belong to Christ, our thoughts have to stand up to Christ’s truth.
Focus on your strengths, on those things that matter the most. Did it ever occur to you that you may not have been called because of your musical ability, but rather because of your testimony of Jesus Christ? Maybe the Lord and His children need the love that shines through your eyes more than cute visual aids. It might be that your faithfulness is of more value to the presidency than the quality of your voice or your creativity. Even if you are inexperienced, you can love the Lord and the children in primary. You can share your faith and testimony. The truth of Jesus Christ declares that these are the things that matter the most.
President Faust did mention that a person of ordinary ability also seeks to improve himself. That will be sparkle tip #3.
Thank you for touching my soul and lifting me up! These are words which inspire and that is a talent...to inspire others to do good!!!
Wow Lynn, what a nice thing to say. You've just touched my soul also. You're very sweet. :O)
A woman who used to be in my ward but who moved a while ago, sent me a facebook message yesterday to check out your blog because she had heard that I was recently released as Primary president and initiated as Primary chorister. Oh boy am I ever grateful. This blog is wonderful!! I've only read two pages of it so far and I'm already swimming with ideas. Thank you thank you thank you for your advice, your wisdom, and your wonderful ideas. I'm so grateful to my dear friend who pointed me your way. And I'm so grateful you are so willing to share your talent with so many who, like me, are barely keeping our heads above water in this wonderful but challenging calling!!! Thank you!
Kimber, I'm so glad that you could find something useful here. Since you've been in Primary you are way ahead of the game and I'm sure you'll have a great time doing the music. I think music is the best part of Sharing Time. I hope you'll share your ideas with us.
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