Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Choose and Review - “Jeopardy” Game

“Jeopardy,” based on the television game show, is a fun game that requires one to state a question for a given answer. The game is organized around categories with several “answers” under each category. The trick is to come up with the question. Primary choristers have been adapting this game for singing time for years! Depending on how you set it up, it takes a lot of time. The answer is given as a clue and the correct response must always include the words “what/who is...” Answers can include numbers which are used as points if you wish the game to be competetive.

Categories could include such things as “Picture That Song” where you use visual aids from songs you’ve taught for the answer clues. For instance, a picture or a simple line drawing of the golden plates should be shown. The child responds by saying “what is “The Golden Plates” and then you would sing the song. Correct responses in this category would be the title of the song. Another category could be “The Word is LISTEN” with answer clues such as “If I listen with , I’ll hear the Savior’s voice” and “He whispers ‘Love one another as Jesus loves you.” The answers would be “what is ‘my heart’” and “what is ‘the still small voice’.” A third category could be “In the Scriptures” with answer clues such as “The Lord commanded him to build a boat.” The answer would be “who is Nephi’.” The answer to “This day should always be kept holy” would be “what is ‘the Sabbath day’.”

Write category titles on small poster strips and position these along the top of the chalkboard. Write answer clues on other small posters and arrange these, face-in, under the proper categories. If you are playing for points, write the points on the front of the answer clues. Have the children take turns choosing a category and then an “answer question.” The children can choose any of the clues in the category; they don’t need to take them in order. You can divide the group into two, but I prefer to play with the whole group amassing total points. You could also play without using points for the questions, in a more “informal competition” between two groups. The junior primary could have two stuffed animals play, inviting the children to answer for “Bear” or “Rabbit.” This makes the competition less personal for these younger children.

“Jeopary” is the perfect game to play when you have lots of time, but if you don’t, you’ll have to shorten it dramatically. Try using just three categories with three questions in each. On a good day I can usually get through eight or nine songs, depending on the length of the song. You could also play the game over more than one week. It wouldn’t necessarily matter if you got through all the categories. Just write a “final Jeopardy” clue and declare an end to the game. If you are using points, add up the points at the end of your time and the game is over.

A really clear explanation of how “Jeopardy” can be used to review songs is given on page 18 of the September 2003 issue of the Friend magazine. Additional category suggestions you’ll find there are “Who is That Anyway” (using people from songs) and “It’s on the Program” (using clues from songs taught for the Sacrament Meeting Program.)


Anonymous said...

I love the suggestion of using two stuffed animals, instead of teams. I wonder if that would work for the sr primary too? Because they LOVE competitive games but they tend to get way too wild when competing against each other.

Unknown said...

Love this!

Arizona Girl said...

I found for SR primary, since they get into games and such so much faster that we'd use ever category and question and have time left with 3 and 3. Instead I use 4 categories with 5 questions. But 3 and 3 work mostly well for JR.

Kathleen said...

Thanks, ladies, for your comments.

I think the older kids DO love competition more than the youngers. Children are so different from one group to the next, but I'm not sure I would bring the stuffed animals for the senior kids. If you want to use the idea, though, you might just post two different pictures or silhouettes of "unidentified" children. Or, use a line up of puppets. There is something just slightly more grown up about a puppet versus a stuffed animal.

Arizona Girl, thanks for the contribution for timing. This kind of breakdown does help, I think. When the primary is separated into two groups, I do think it is helpful to make separate plans.

Thank you for visiting The Children Sing. Check back soon for more LDS Primary Singing Time Ideas!
