Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Eensy, Weensy, Spider" Puppet

This is my “Eensy Weensy Spider” puppet. I use this most often when I sing with the nursery and the kids are fascinated by it. They don’t usually want to use the puppet at first, but after they become familiar with it, everyone wants a turn. Be prepared for them to want to pull the eyes off - they are nursery kids after all.

I first made a loose, flat pompom of black yarn. Then I cut a length of black elastic to fit over my hand and sewed it together in a circle. I used a hot glue gun to glue the elastic securely to the bottom of the puppet and glued a circle of black felt over the seam. This also helps to secure the elastic to the yarn and creates a bit of a finish on the bottom. Then I simply glued a large black pompom on the top of the flat pompom and glued wiggly eyes on. Slip the elastic on your hand and the spider is ready to “crawl up the water-spout.”

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