I call this the “Everyone Can”. It is a truly simple aid to use with another review activity that focuses on the gospel principles we learn from the Primary songs.
This activity centers on those principles that are related to the things we do. “Everyone Can” choose the right, make a happy home, keep the commandments, be kind, love their neighbor, etc. I choose a topic and then identify songs with phrases that help teach the principle I wish to teach. Then I write action statements for each of the songs on slips of paper or card strips, throwing in a few negative statements also. The papers go into the “Everyone Can” to be chosen one at a time. If the statement is something that everyone CAN do, I have the children stand up while we sing the song. If the statement is something they should not do, they remain seated.
For instance, if I wanted to teach about honesty I could choose songs from the gospel section of the songbook with phrases that teach this principle. Remember that there are several aspects of honesty, so any number of songs may apply. I might write a statement such as, “An honest child listens to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.” “And with his light I’ll do what’s right Each time I make a choice.” (The Holy Ghost CS-105) Another statement might read, “An honest child tries to make things right when they have made a mistake.” “I will try in all I do and say To live the gospel more each day.” (I Want to Live the Gospel CS-148) “An honest child always tells the truth.” “I’ll form good habits in my youth, to keep my word, to tell the truth.” (I Believe in Being Honest CS-149) “An honest child is courageous.” “Sometimes I am tempted to choose another way.” (Nephi’s Courage CS-120) “An honest child knows he can repent” “And I can be forgiven and improve myself each day.” (When I Am Baptized CS-103) Two or three negative statements add variety. “An honest child quickly blames someone else if an accident happens” “An honest child knows that mistakes don’t count if no one ever finds out.”
Sometimes it’s fun to put inexpensive smiley face stickers in the bottom of the can. I’ll give them out at the end of primary or give them to the teachers to put on the children. The sticker reminds them that everyone CAN be kind, smile, be reverent, choose the right, etc.
The Friend magazine has lately published several quizzes that easily adapt to this kind of singing time. Look at "What Kind of Friend Are You?" on page 28 of the May 2009 issue and you'll see what I mean. The statements in "Choose the Right Words" on page 9 of the January 2010 issue would also make a quick and easy singing time.
I wanted to thank you for so many inspirational ideas. I have just been called as our new primary chorister and I was feeling very overwhelmed because I am totally new to this. Your site has been wonderful. A couple of Sundays ago, I used your "Everyone Can" idea to teach "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus." I found a talk by Pres. Henry B. Eyring. He said, "The message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is: That we CAN and must expect to become better as long as we live. I printed that on a paper and hung it above the can. We then talked about how Jesus has prepared a way so we CAN be like him. We sang just the chorus to "Nephi's Courage" I also made labels and wrapped them around soup cans. Each label corresponded to one phrase of the verse I was teaching. I placed an image and a word or clue so that my children could match it to the flip chart picture. The can also had the name of another primary song that reinforced the same message. For example, the phrase, "I'm trying to love my neighbor" I put a picture of a family with hearts. We talked about how Heavenly Father has given us families to teach us how to love our neighbors. The song we sang was, "Our Family CAN Be Together Forever." For the phrase "/Then the Holy Spirit enters into my thoughts" we sang the song, "I Know My Savior Lives." The last line says, "The Spirit whispers this to me and tells me that I CAN and tells me that I CAN." We didn't always sing the corresponding song because of the time factor, but it was a great way to teach not only the words, but the meaning of the song. Thanks, again for your wonderful ideas.
Mary, what a cute way to use cans! I can tell that you are very creative. :O) Welcome to the best calling in the church. Really, you'll have lots of fun doing this. Alas, the time factor is always an issue, but after some experience, you'll get so that you can judge pretty well. Unless someone throws a curveball. Flexibility -just keep telling yourself "I am flexible." Thanks for your lovely comment.
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