Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Making Connections to Gospel Principles

In the last several posts I’ve explained some activities that I use to help the children make connections to principles of the gospel during singing time. I also want to emphasize that this process doesn’t have to be formalized in an activity with a title such as “Pick My Pocket,” or “Man the Lifeboats” to be helpful to the children. Just spend some time studying the words and indentifying the principles taught in the songs you are planning to use in singing time. Then you’ll be in a great position to help the children make connections in an informal way also.

You can do this easily just by directing their listening. If you are teaching a song and singing it for the umpteenth time, just say something like “As we sing the song this time, see if you can hear the words that teach us what faith is.” Or, during closing exercises say, “While we sing the prayer song listen for the words in the song that remind us how much our Heavenly Father loves us.” You don’t have to invite responses, just let them think about it.

Whether we design a formal activity or informally direct attention, our efforts to strengthen children with the doctrines of the gospel will bring the spirit into singing time.

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